Friday, February 02, 2007

When do girls become sexually active?

There's a new law being passed in Texas which says girls at the age of 10-11 have to be injected with an inoculation against a *sexually transmitted* disease that gives women cervical cancer.

"The federal government approved Gardasil in June, and a government advisory panel has recommended that all girls get the shots at 11 and 12, before they are likely to be sexually active."

So if they have to get the shots at 11-12, does that mean that at age 12-13 they become sexually active? Scary...but probably true.

This is because, in my opinion, girls are taught from day 1 of their existence that they exist only so that they can be sexually attractive to boys. Wear the make up, dress in shirts that reveal your belly button and shorts that ride right up to below your butt, so that they can all get a good look. You're only worth anything depending on if you have a boyfriend - and even if you don't have a boyfriend - if you can get pregnant you can prove that at least a boy thought you were worth having sex with....

I'm not advocating that girls should be ashamed of their sexuality and wear burhkas and other crap like Muslim women are forced to do, I'm just saying that girls don't have enough respect for themselves and it's mass media -- commericals -- that must shoulder a lot of the blame.

1 comment:

fatima said...

muslim women's are required to dress modestly so that they can be protected from men's gaze and so that they dont exist in this world for the sole purpose of attracting male attention.