Thursday, July 29, 2010

Despicable Me...Alright Until The End...

Went to see Despicable Me today, and enjoyed it for the most part. Not as good as Toy Story 3...or any of the Toy Story's actually, but amusing...

Steve Carrell plays Gru, a would-be master criminal who is being supplanted by younger, more ingenious crooks. An item he needs to pull off the crime of the century is in another crook's house...which is impregnable...except the crook likes cookies...

So Gru "adopts" 3 little kids in order to get into the house. He'll abandon them once his plan is done.

But the kids are super cute, and at the end of the movie he decided to adopt them for real.

All very good, very nice. But the ending really spoiled it for me, on one level.

The three girls are putting on a recital of Swan Lake for him. One of his minions arbitrarily decides that Swan Lake is too slow and dull, and puts on Dance Fever. So Gru gets up onto the stage and starts dancing to Dance Fever, surrounded by these three pre-pubescent girls, and he's doing pelvic thrusts and that's totally inappropriate.

THen we've got the sight of a villain on the moon dancing as well, and he's slapping his butt as he dances.

What is it with this slapping your butt fetish that movies have these days? Some kind of sexual play, of course, but there's a commercial...I believe it's one of those car insurance commercials, where a guy does it...just ridiculous how filmmakers follow each other when it comes to types of humor...

Having said that, I enjoyed the animation. Had a definite Steampunk feel to it. I really loved Gru's decor...I'm thinking how I can get some of that for my house!

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