Saturday, February 10, 2007

Daniel Radcliffe Gets Naked (But not here!)

A lot of fuss is being made about Daniel Radcliffe starring in Equus, the play by Peter Shaffer. (Or Antony Shaffer, I always get those two mixed up.) That is because in the play, Radcliffe gets totally naked. I can't tell you why, never seen the play, but I'm sure there's some 'legitimate' reason for it.

But the photos that are making the rounds of the internet, of Radcliffe naked (but shot only from the belly up) seem to be made simply to be sexually attractive - they don't say anything about the play, do they? So the nakidity, as Radar O'Reilly would call no longer merely part of the play but actually just a reason to get people into the theater who just want to see naked actors.

As for Radcliffe wanting to break away from the Potter stereotype...this is definitely the way to do it..

For those who want to see them:

Click on the top banner ad for more Radcliffe pics!

Read about him here:

Or stock up on Harry Potter movies!

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